Linux U盘 启动盘
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/****************************************************************************** *                          Linux U盘 启动盘 * 说明: *     之前一直有个想法,那就是将x86的系统放在U盘中,像ARM那样做,但一直也不知 * 道大概要怎么查资料,最近搞redhat,查到了一些相关资料,记录一下。 * *                                         2017-3-6 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 *****************************************************************************/一、参考文档:    1. 制作一个linux的u盘最小系统        http://zhuyi108.blog.51cto.com/2087327/845246    2. 制作u盘启动linux系统        http://www.voidcn.com/blog/mr_zhaojy/article/p-5974248.html    3. U 盘启动LINUX        http://blog.csdn.net/clozxy/article/details/5865632    4. 定制自己的U盘Linux系统        http://mowblog.com/%E5%AE%9A%E5%88%B6%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1%E7%9A%84u%E7%9B%98linux%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F/    5. CDlinux HOWTOs 文档        http://cd-linux.sourceforge.net/archive/0.4/howto-cn.html    6. GRUB (简体中文)        https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB_(%E7%AE%80%E4%BD%93%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87)    7. 什么是 initrd.img        http://blog.csdn.net/chrisniu1984/article/details/3907874    8. Linux2.6 内核的 Initrd 机制解析        https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-k26initrd/    9. Linux 初始 RAM 磁盘(initrd)概述        https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-initrd.html    10. Linux 引导过程内幕        https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-linuxboot/    11. LINUX下三个内核文件详解(vmlinuz/initrd.img/System.map)        https://www.path8.net/tn/archives/5304二、基本操作说明:    1. U盘(SD卡)分两个区:        1. /dev/sdb1;        2. /dev/sdb2;    2. mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt    3. grub-install –root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb        Installing for i386-pc platform.        Installation finished. No error reported.    4. ls /boot/grub/        fonts gfxblacklist.txt grub.cfg grubenv i386-pc locale unicode.pf2    5. 编写/boot/grub/grub.cfg文件:        set default=0            insmod gzio            insmod jpeg            insmod part_msdos            insmod ext2            insmod ext3            insmod ext4        set timeout=10        set root='hd0,1'            # linux (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz rw # root=/dev/sdb2 rootfstype=ext3            linux (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz rw root=/dev/sdb2 rootfstype=ext3            initrd (hd0,1)/boot/initrd.img            boot    6. 拷贝对应的系统文件,最终/dev/sdb1分区目录如下:        .        └── boot            ├── grub            │   ├── fonts            │   ├── grub.cfg            │   ├── grubenv            │   ├── i386-pc            │   └── locale            ├── initrd.img            ├── initrd.img_redhat            ├── initrd.img_ubuntu            ├── vmlinuz            ├── vmlinuz_redhat            └── vmlinuz_ubuntu    7. 下载Ubuntu Core,并将其解压到/dev/sdb2分区中,注意将passwd中间中root密码去掉,否则要输入密码。    8. 如上所示,既有redhat,又有ubuntu的,遇到了redhat内核版本过低,Ubuntu Core版本高过不能挂载文件系统的问题。三、遇到错误:    1. 现象:        ...        mount: could not find filesystem /dev/root         Setting up other filesystems        Setting up new root fs        setuproot: moving /dev failed: No such file or directory        ...    2. 参考文档:        1. [SOLVED] Getting existing CentOS5 system to run with a new motherboard            https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=24681        2. Creating a New Initial RAM Disk            https://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/CreateNewInitrd    3. 原因:        If you have changed a motherboard or moved a disk to a different system it may fail to boot due to the lack of appropriate drivers in the initial RAM disk image (initramfs for CentOS 6, initrd for CentOS 5).

